Have You Been Fired? - How to Explain Termination in an Interview

Have You Been Fired? - How to Explain Termination in an Interview

If you were fired from your previous job, you might be worried about how to approach this during an impending interview. It might make you feel uncomfortable, as it does with most people, but you can approach this in a positive way - no matter the reasons for the termination. This blog will discuss how to deal with awkward interview questions when you have been fired from a previous role.

Reasons for Being Fired

Many different reasons can result in the termination of your contract, including:

  • Unable to meet the requirements of the role
  • Poor attendance/sickness
  • Not fitting with the culture
  • Negative attitude
  • Gross misconduct

Honesty is the Best Policy

Regardless of why you were let go from your job, it will help if you are upfront and honest with the interviewer. These things can get out anyway, so it is better to be upfront. They will appreciate honesty and may see this as a sign of integrity and strength. Explain the situation and what led to you being let go. You don’t need to go into detail, but stating the essential facts is important.

Positive Spin

It can be easy to let negativity get the better of you when explaining why you were let go, but this won’t make a good impression on the interviewer. Instead, keep the conversation positive and resist the temptation to berate your previous employer. 

Explain Progress

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” as they say - which is vital when discussing your termination during an interview. The termination might have been challenging, but you can explain what you learned from the experience and accept your own mistakes. People who take responsibility for mistakes are thought of much more highly than those who never take responsibility.

Example Responses during Interview

“After some time, we realised that my skill set was not right for the role, and they could not offer sufficient training. However, I liked the company and have since undertaken my own training to update my skillset.”

“We mutually decided that the culture wasn’t the best fit for me to be the best I could be in my role. Although I liked the people and the job, the company was very formal, and I prefer a more relaxed working environment.”

“Unfortunately, circumstances in my family resulted in many absences, which I understood was not sustainable. These circumstances are no longer an issue and will not affect future employment.”

If you are looking for a new job or career change, the first stage is to ensure you have a professional CV. At Inspired CVs, we provide high-quality CV writing services. You can buy your CV here or contact us to find out more.

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